Small, damaged veins on the surface of the skin are called spider veins. These unsightly, and sometimes painful, veins usually appear on the legs or the face. Some common causes of spider veins include genetics, obesity, trauma, and hormones. The good news is, there are some effective spider treatment options available.
Here are three such spider vein treatments.
1. Compression Stockings
One of the most noninvasive spider vein treatments is compression stockings.
A burn injury is not only excruciatingly painful, but it can also leave you with unsightly scars. Fortunately, the following five measures will help you keep such scars at bay:
Run the Burn Site Under Cool Water
The burning won't automatically stop when the hot object or substance is removed. The longer the burning continues the higher the chances that you will be scarred. Therefore, stop the burn from spreading by putting the burn site under running water for ten minutes or so.
Many people have moles on various areas of their body, and if you have a mole, you might not think that it's a very big deal. Chances are good that you do not have anything to worry about, but this does not mean that you shouldn't see a dermatologist anyway. These are a couple of reasons why you should consider scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist so that he or she can check out your mole.
This is not something that many people like to speak about, but any adult can fall victim to a rash or other itchy skin issue on their bottom. Keep in mind that inflammation can occur on any part of the skin for a variety of reasons. Here's what you need to know about these types of rashes.
Knowing Where Adult Bottom Rashes Come From
There are tons of ways to end up with a rash on your bottom.
By now, you likely know about the dangers of excessive sun exposure and that you should apply sunscreen every day. Even if you are diligent about applying sunscreen, you could be doing it all wrong. Here are six sunscreen mistakes you should avoid:
Not Checking the Expiration Date
Just like most things, sunscreen expires after a while. If you apply sunscreen that is too old, it will not be as effective at protecting your skin.