Natural Skin Care Treatments For Tinea Versicolor

If you have itchy reddish or tan patches on your skin lighter than the surrounding skin, it could be tinea veriscolor. Tinea veriscolor is a fungal condition caused by a fungus already present, but it gets aggravated in certain conditions like heat. Patches commonly form on the upper arms, chest, back, underarms, and neck. Here are some natural skin care treatments for tinea veriscolor.

Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant, called the "plant of immortality" by the Egyptians, has long been used as a treatment for many skin ailments. It has over 200 compounds and 75 nutrients, with the most active ingredients including salicylic acid, sulfur, phenol, and urea nitrogen. A main ingredient in aloe vera, 14 kDa, shows to be effective at stopping the spread of fungus associated with tinea versicolor.

A main benefit of aloe vera is you don't have to be concerned about residue or irritation. Massage the infected area with an aloe plant, or aloe creams twice daily. Alternatively, add a drop of lavender oil in a teaspoon of aloe, and massage on the infected area two or three times daily.

Raw Garlic

The anti-fungal properties of garlic make it effective for itch relief. An active ingredient in garlic is ajoene, which helps the skin heal faster by destroying fungus. Slice a clove of raw garlic in half, and rub the infected daily until the area peels.

Crushing garlic releases another active ingredient called allicin. Apply crushed garlic to the infected area twice daily, and cover with a band-aid to help the skin absorb it better. Adding garlic to your diet also has the same effects.

Essential Oils

Several essential oil are useful to combat tinea veriscolor:

  • Massage extra-virgin coconut oil on the area daily, and let it dry naturally.
  • Add five or six drops of cinnamon oil to coconut oil, leave twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Make a concoction from equal parts of oregano oil and extra-virgin olive oil. Rub on the infected skin with a cotton ball, let it sit half an hour, and rinse with warm water.
  • Apply one part tea tree oil diluted with two parts coconut oil or lavender oil on a small area of skin. Don't use undiluted tea tree oil, since it can be harsh in its natural state. Expect mild tingling.
  • Rub two or three drops of neem oil on the infected area three times daily. Alternatively, make a paste from ground neem leaves, apply to skin, let stand several minutes, then rinse. Use neem oil when you don't have any plans to leave home, since it has a repugnant smell.

Natural skin care remedies for tiena veriscolor help control the itching and spreading of fungus. After treatment, wash clothing that come into contact with the fungus. For more information, contact Petrin Dermatology Center or a similar location.
